SQL Server security best practice

Security! This is the word comes in mind of every concerned person when it come...

Change the Collation Settings in MS SQL Server

This post will show you how to change the collation settings in MS SQL Server for specific database...

Resolve collation conflict

In this post I will show you how you can resolve collation conflict error...

Book: SQL Server 2008 High Availability

In this book I have tried to cover every single piece of information that might requires for installing and configuring SQL Server HA option like Clustering, Replication, Log Shipping and Database Mirroring...

Why to recompile Stored Procedure

Generally, we create views and stored procedures (proc here after) ...


Microsoft Virtual Techdays

It would be a good time again.... Microsoft Virtual Techday (VTD) is back; below is an agenda

Get registered!!


PUG Community Day 10 Jan 09

From 6:00 to 7:30 PM @ Nalanda,SEED Infotech Ltd
: Topic :
NAP with Windows Server 2008
: Speaker :
Abhishek Pradhan - Information Security(SIR Specialist)
Currenly working with Symmentec India,he have around 5 yrs of expertise on various Server Technologies and on Microsoft domain
Free event for all..
Some Landmark for Venue :
Near Mehendale Garage,Near Karnataka High School,Near Yugay Mangal Karyalaya,Near Gandhi Lawns[One near City Pride Kothrud]
Venue by : SEED Infotech Ltd.


DBCC Checkdb gives error when you restoring database with CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR

DBCC Checkdb gives error when you have finished restoring database with CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR and you run DBCC CHECKDB. This will gives you an Error 8967 there may be inconsistancies in database or metadata which may lead to throw this error message....there is a workaround released by Microsoft Read workaround for Error 8967


Why rollback is taking much longer time

Have you ever thought what is a reason that makes Rollback time consuming process?
Whenever you kill some spid or rollback transaction it would take 3 or 4 times more time then it has taken to execute that particular batch/transaction!!!! The reason is that the Rollback is single threaded and hence it most likely to take much longer time read complete article here

How T-SQL Kill Command works for MS SQL Server

Often I've seen a question wherein user has posted a query that what is kill command is doing in background? What is sleeping session status in sp_who2 output ? What is awaiting session status in sp_who2 output?
Awaiting or sleeping session status is a connection waiting for query from client, i.e. you've logged in using the application and you are yet to open and run a report, so this idle time is showing as a awaiting or sleeping session
You can find some more insight on How T-SQL Kill Command works!! and What is Awaiting/Sleeping status!!

DBCC Shrinkfile and DBCC Shrinkdb is taking more time

DBCC Shrinkfile and DBCC Shrinkdb would likely to take more time for SQL Server 2005 then it would take for SQL Server 2000. The question is why it is so!!! I was reading through some articles and find a wonderfull explaination on this, there is additional logic added to compact text/image (LOB datatypes) in SQL Server 2005 and hence it is taking some more time....Read complete article here

Enjoy reading....


SQL Server 2005 SP3 is available for download

Microsoft has released SP3 for SQL Server 2005 and it is available for download. There are many things that were fixed and added to SQL Server 2005 SP3 below are the links

Find out what is new SQL Server 2005 SP3 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd353312(SQL.90).aspx
List of bugs that were fixed in SP3 are listed here http://support.microsoft.com/?id=955706

Download SQL Server 2005 SP3 here http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=ae7387c3-348c-4faa-8ae5-949fdfbe59c4&displaylang=en

Backup, Restoring and Disaster Recovery

Hi All,

Here is an excellent piece of information on Backup,Restoration and Disaster Recovery with the suggestion and related source of information.

Happy reading.

How to create partitioned table and index in SQL Server 2005

I have found good article on how to create partitioned table and index in SQL Server 2005 here is the link of the article http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345146.aspx

hope this would helps